If your puppy barks at everything, don’t worry; he probably just wants attention. Here’s how to get him to stop barking.

Dogs bark when they’re excited, scared, or just trying to communicate something. But sometimes dogs bark unnecessarily, and it can become annoying to neighbors. Here are some tips to stop your dog from barking:

Set Boundaries

Dogs learn quickly, so set boundaries early on. When you first bring home your pup, try to establish a schedule for him/her to go outside. Try to stick to a routine, like going out every morning before breakfast, and coming back after dinner.

Reward Good Behavior

Reward your dog for being well-behaved. For instance, give him a tasty treat whenever he sits quietly during his walk. Also, make sure that he knows what behavior gets rewarded.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement involves rewarding desirable behaviors with treats or toys. Be careful not to reward undesirable behaviors, though. For example, don’t let your dog jump up on guests or strangers.

Ignore Bad Behaviors

Ignoring bad behaviors won’t necessarily eliminate them, but it may reduce the frequency of the unwanted behavior. For instance, if your dog barks too much, ignore him until he stops barking.

Train Your Dog

Training your dog can teach him to behave properly around others. Start training your dog right away. Teach him basic commands, like sit, stay, and come.

Don’t Let Him Outdoors Alone

Your dog needs exercise, but don’t let him run loose outdoors. He’ll likely end up getting lost, and you’ll have to spend time searching for him. Instead, take him for walks or playtime indoors.

Consider Crate Training

Crate training is a form of behavioral modification that uses a crate to house your pet. Crate training teaches your dog to control his impulses and focus on you instead of barking.

Avoid Excessive Stimulation

Excessive stimulation can cause your dog to bark excessively. To avoid this, keep your dog calm and quiet.

For more tips on how to raise a well-behaved puppy and have him or her behaving the way you want, when you want, download the free guide by clicking here.

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